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Cavy Show

Cavy Shows

Cavy Show Sponsor: -----

4-H Cloverbud members CAN participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Cavy Show Entry Fee: $20.00 or Cloverbud Entry Fee: $5.00

Cavy Entry Forms Online or Postmarked Due Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024

LATE ENTRY FEE DOUBLE & ENTRY FORM Online or Postmarked Due Date: Tuesday, 10 December 2024

How To Enter Cavy Show

Online Entry Link For Cavy Shows:

Mail-in Entry Forms: Cavy Entry Form Download

Small Animal Committee

Cavy & Rabbit Superintendent Dr. TL Andrews- Phone: 352.213.6833    Email: [email protected]

Poultry Superintendent Trish Barber - Phone: 352.949.3154    Email: [email protected]

Committee Members
  Tyler Voorhees - Phone: 352.359.9975    Email: [email protected]

Our Social Media Outlets

Non-Market Record Book Contest

Record Book Contest Sponsor: 

Lou & Grady Jones

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Record Book Entry Fee: None

Record Book Superintendent Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174    Email: [email protected]

Record Book Contest Chair Ashley Cook-Gregory - Email: [email protected]

Committee Members
   Tyler Voorhees - Phone: 352.359.9975    Email: [email protected]

Download Non-Market Record Book

Cavy Fitting & Showmanship

4-H Cloverbud members CAN participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Fitting is the process of  selecting a particular cavy from a breed, feeding and caring for the cavy, and preparing the cavy prior to the contest, such as cleaning the coat in certain breeds, removing stains and trimming the toenails. Your animal should not have any diseases or external parasites, such as
mites or lice. Your general appearance, attitude and behavior is also included in fitting.

Download Cavy Showmanship Study Guide

SRF YouTube Channel: Subscribe For Our Cavy Playlist

Cavy Study Guides

A cavy is commonly known as a guinea pig. Cavies cannot be defined as solely livestock or companion animal as they are unique and multi-purpose with any single breeder utilizing their herd for more than one purpose.

Cavy Show Entry In March

A completed record book, record book receipt, or summary sheet must be turned in for you to show your animal.

RECORD BOOK CONTEST: Contest Record Books MUST be turned in at Fair Grounds Wednesday, 5 March 2025 @ 4:00p - 8:00p
  EXCEPTION: Dog & Horse Show participants MUST be turned in at show entry Saturday, 1 March 2025

COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025

SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST: You MUST signup for showmanship at the check-in table during March entry. Late entries WILL NOT be accepted.

SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule

CHECK-IN DAY: Friday 7 March 2025 @ 4:00p - 5:30p

RABBIT SHOW DAY: Friday 7 March 2025 @ 5:30p

RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP: Friday 7 March 2025 @ 6:00p


CAVY SHOW DAY: Friday 7 March 2025 @ 5:30p

CAVY RELEASE TIME: Release After Show

POULTRY SHOW DAY: Saturday 8 March 2025 @ 9:00a

POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP: Saturday 8 March 2025 @ 9:30a


Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton