Market Wether Show Sponsor: Reed’s Metals - Cross City
Market Wether Goat Show Entry Fee: $35.00
Market Wether Entry Form Online or Postmarked Due Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Online Entry Link For Market Wether Goat Show & Contest:
Mail-in Entry Forms:
Market Wether Goat Entry Form
Wether Goat Team Fitting Contest Entry Form
Wether Goat Shirt Order Form
Goat Superintendent Tina Blair - Phone: 352.494.4876 Email:
Committee Members
Adam Elliott - Phone: 352.258.8253 Email:
Tyler Voorhees - Phone: 352.359.9975 Email:
Elizabeth Coleman - Phone: 352.258.3860 Email:
Teresa Timmons - Phone: 386.623.0985 Email:
YouTube: Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel
FaceBook: Follow Us on FaceBook
Record Book Entry Fee: None
Record Book Superintendent Ashley Cook-Gregory - Email:
Committee Members
Wendy Bird - Phone: 352.509.1884 Email:
Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174 Email:
A good showman is a person that can effectively present an animal in such a way as to enhance its best characteristics. In showmanship, you are judged on your abilities to both control and present your animal, and how you and your animal can work together as a team. Advance planning and practice are the keys to becoming a good showman. Dairy goat showmanship not only generates enthusiasm in the show ring, but also teaches many valuable lessons that can be used in daily life. Source: American Goat Society
SRF YouTube Channel: Subscribe For Our Meat Goat Playlist
It is quite certain that the goat was one of the earliest domesticated animals in Western Asia. The goat is thought to have descended from the Pasang or Grecian Ibex, a species of wild goat found in Asia Minor, Persia, and other nearby countries.
Entry Fee: $10.00/contestant, pre-registration is required
Contest Time: 30 minutes
The Contest will take place the Tuesday after the show at 9 am on the east end of the goat barn. Contestants will be required to attend a mandatory meeting prior to the contest held the day of check in. There will be three age divisions. Exhibitors must follow the Code of Ethics in the Rules and Regulations section of the Premium Book.
Entry Fee: None
Skill-a-ton is a contest to test your knowledge of the goat industry
Each age division will have their own test.
The number of questions per test will vary per year. 25 -50 questions
A moderator will be present.
If you have trouble reading, make sure to let us know upon arrival and an assistant will help you with reading your quiz.
Pens and pencils are provided
Casual dress
The use of electronic devices is prohibited. Any contestant found to be using a phone, headphones, watches or any other electronic device will be disqualified from the contest.
Once you’ve entered the contest you must complete your test. You will not be permitted to leave and reenter. If you are found to exit the contest with the physical copy of the test you will be disqualified for the current year and the following years contest.
Entry Fee: None
Junior Division: Minimum of 3 minutes and maximum of 5 minutes.
Topic: What should you do in the showring?
Intermediate Division: Minimum of 4 minutes and maximum of 6 minutes.
Topic: Why or why not is record keeping important for the care of your herd?
Senior Division: Minimum of 5 minutes and maximum of 7 minutes.
Topic: Pick a biosecurity issue. How would you overcome this issue within your herd?
Electronic devices will not be allowed in the holding area or contest room.
Materials: two 3x5 note cards can be used, absolutely no outside materials are allowed. Excessive reference to notes may result in deduction of points.
The use of visual aids are not allowed.
Dress: no required dress, but it is important to keep in mind that appearance is important.
Each contestant must make the presentation without a microphone.
Contestants will penalized one point per second on each judges score sheet for being over or under the time allowed.
Ties: in the event of tie, it will be broken by comparing scores in the following judging sections:
a. Content
b. Delivery
c. Language
Entry Fee: None
Sales talk uses a live setting complete with a live animal, photo or pedigree and potential buyers. This contest is a mock sales situation – you are selling your animal to a buyer. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and the contestant’s ability to merchandise their project goat. Contestants will be judged on their knowledge of the animal, semen or embryos they are selling, their ability to relay important information and their overall effectiveness in convincing the judges to buy their product.
Time allotted: 4-7 minutes
Materials: A live animal (another individual may hold the animal), photo, (no larger than 8 x 10) or registration certificate for the animal, semen, or embryos being “sold”
Dress: There is no required dress, but it’s important to keep in mind that appearance is important when marketing yourself and your animals.
Ties: in the event of a tie Scores will be compared and broken into the following order:
a. Knowledge/ Introduction
b. Organization/Style
c. Delivery
d. Response to questions
WETHER SALE DAY: Wednesday 19 March 2025 @ 9:30a - Until Last Animal Sells
SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule
WETHER CHECK-IN DAY: Friday 14 March 2025 @ 4:00p - 6:00p
WETHER SHOW DAY: Saturday 15 March 2025 @ 1:00p
Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton