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Horse Shows

Horse Show

Performance Horse Show Sponsor: Gene, Darlene, and Wyatt Higginbotham

Speed Events Horse Show Sponsor: Gene, Darlene, and Wyatt Higginbotham

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Performance Horse Show Entry Fee: $30.00
Speed Events Horse Entry Fee: $30.00

Horse Entry Forms Online or Postmarked Due Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024

LATE ENTRY FEE DOUBLE & ENTRY FORM Online or Postmarked Due Date: Tuesday, 10 December 2024

How To Enter Horse Shows

Online Entry Link For Horse Shows:

Mail-in Entry Forms:
Performance Horse Entry Form
Speed Events Entry Form

Large Animal Committee

Dairy Cattle Superintendent Jessica Campos - Phone: 352.486-5131    Email:

Horse Speed Superintendent Kyndal Bussard - Phone: 352.359.6722    Email:

Horse Performance Superintendent Blu Langford  -  Phone: 352.440.0651     Email:

Committee Members
   Tyler Voorhees - Phone: 352.359.9975    Email:
   Adam Elliott - Phone: 352.258.8253    Email:
   Jo-Ann Sullivan - Dairy Cattle
   Angela Sands - Dairy Cattle
   Holly Houghton - Horse
   Jessica Cooper - Horse

Our Social Media Outlets

Non-Market Livestock Record Book Contest

Record Book Contest Sponsor: 

Lou & Grady Jones

Record Book Entry Fee: None

Record Book Superintendent Ashley Cook-Gregory - Email:

Committee Members
   Wendy Bird - Phone: 352.509.1884    Email:
   Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174    Email:

Download Non-Market Record Book

Horse Fitting & Showmanship

4-H Cloverbud members CAN participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Daily grooming also eases the burden of the shedding season by removing the hair gradually. As well as providing a shiny coat, regular grooming also enables one to notice any abnormalities on the horse. Abnormalities such as cuts, irritations, or fever can be detected and treated, during a thorough grooming session.

Download Horse Showmanship Study Guide

Horse Study Guides

The horse industry is a very large and important part of our national, state, and local economies. It is diverse, involving agriculture, business, sport, gaming, entertainment, and recreation.

The industry has a $102 billion impact on the U.S. economy when the multiplier effect of spending by industry suppliers and employees is taken into account. Including off-site spending of spectators would result in an even higher figure.

Performance Show and Speed Events

Performance Horse Show Classes

Showmanship At Halter Class: Participation in showmanship is mandatory and points earned in this class will be added to the points earned in the following performance classes.

Ranch Riding Class: Ranch Riding serves to measure the ability of the horse to be functional and a pleasure to ride at a working speed while being used as a means of conveyance from one western stock horse task to another. The horse’s performance should simulate a horse riding outside of the arena and that of a working ranch horse. This horse should be well-broke, relaxed, quiet, soft, and cadenced at all gaits. The horse should be responsive to the rider, yield to contact, and make all required transitions smoothly, timely, and correctly. The horse should perform with reasonable speed, and be obedient, well-mannered, free, and easy moving.

Horsemanship Class: Riders will be asked to perform individual patterns. The patterns will consist of a combination of maneuvers that will test the equitation/horsemanship skills of the rider. All individuals or finalists may be asked to enter the ring and work on the rail.

Pleasure Class: Horses will be shown at three gaits walk, trot/jog/natural gait, and lope/canter/third gait in each direction of the arena. Horses must back easily and stand quietly. The judge has the option to ask the exhibitor to extend any gait or request any additional work.

Trail Class: Attire and Tack must be acceptable for use in Pleasure classes. No tie-downs, martingales, or mechanical hackamores. The trail course will be closed until the start of the class (no practice on the obstacles). The period in which the obstacle course will be open and contestant order of go will be posted and announced. Riders must take obstacles in order. Missing an obstacle or taking an obstacle out of order is a disqualification. Failure to complete an obstacle once attempted does not constitute a disqualification but should be scored accordingly. A maximum of 3 refusals or 1 minute after the first refusal will be allowed on any 1 obstacle. Beginner Walk-Trot may participate in this class as an exhibition only and No points will be awarded.

Speed Horse Show Classes

Ground Handling Class: Participation in ground handling is mandatory and points earned in this class will be added to the points earned in the following timed event classes.

Cloverleaf Barrels is to be run around 3 barrels set in a clover pattern. Size of course will be determined by available space. The first and second barrels should be at least 20 feet from the fence. Each barrel knocked equals a 5-second penalty.

Flag Race: Two 2-gallon buckets filled with sand are placed on top of barrels 1 and 3, with a flag in one of these buckets. Pick up the flag from barrel 1 and deposit it on barrel 3. The contestant is disqualified for failure to pick up or place the flag, dropping the flag, hitting the horse with the flag, knocking over the barrel or bucket, place the flag side down, running off course, falling of horse or rider.

Texas Barrels is an event in which the contestant weaves through 3 barrels set up in a straight line and turn the 3rd barrel. The contestant can choose to weave starting at the left or the right. Breaking the pattern will result in disqualification/no time. Each barrel knocked results in a 5 second penalty.

Pole Bending is a bending pattern run around 6 poles. Each Pole knocked equals a 5-second penalty.

Performance and Speed Events are separate shows, with separate registration fees. Exhibitors may show 2 Horses, 1 Performance Horse, and 1 Speed Horse, but only 1 horse per show.

Versatility Award is given to the Junior and Senior rider with the highest combined points earned in both performance and speed shows.

Horse Show Entry In March

A completed record book, record book receipt, or summary sheet must be turned in for you to show your animal.

RECORD BOOK CONTEST: Contest Record Books MUST be turned in at Fair Grounds Wednesday, 5 March 2025 @ 4:00p - 8:00p
  EXCEPTION: Dog & Horse Show participants MUST be turned in at show entry Saturday, 1 March 2025

COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025

SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST: You MUST signup for showmanship at the check-in table during March entry. Late entries WILL NOT be accepted.

SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule

CHECK-IN DAY: Saturday 1 March 2025 @ 7:30a

ALTERNATE CHECK-IN DAY: Saturday 8 March 2025 @ 7:30a

HORSE SHOWS: Saturday 1 March 2025 @ 8:00a

HORSE SHOWMANSHIP: Saturday 1 March 2025 During Show

HORSE RELEASE TIME: Release After Show

Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton