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Market Steer Shows

Beef Shows

Market Steer Show Sponsors

Market Fat Steer Show Sponsor: Levy Animal Clinic
Market Fat Steer Homegrown Show Sponsor: Smith Law Firm

Market Feeder Steer Show Sponsor: Dr. Bill Martin, Martin Orthodontics
Market Feeder Steer Homegrown Show Sponsor: J II Cattle LLC

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Market Steer Show Entry Fee: $35.00

Market Fat Steer Weight-in Date: Saturday, 31 August 2024 @ 8:30a - 10:00a 

Market Feeder Steer Weight-in Date: Friday, 6 December 2024 @ 3:30p - 5:00p 

How To Enter Market Steer Shows

Online Entry Link For Market Steer Shows:

Weigh-in Entry Form: Market Steer Entry Form

Beef Committee

Beef Superintendent Ashley Bellamy  - Phone: 352.494.1664     Email: [email protected]

Committee Members
   Wendy Bird  -  Phone: 352.509.1884     Email: [email protected]
   Dalton Long  -  Phone: 352.210.8148     Email: [email protected]
   Gary McKenziePhone: 352.538.5792     Email: [email protected]
   Huston McKenzie  - Phone: 352.949.0088     Email: [email protected]
   Jaime NesSmith  -  Phone: 352.578.4011     Email: [email protected]

Our Social Media Outlets

Market Record Book Contest

Record Book Contest Sponsor: 

Lou & Grady Jones

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Record Book Entry Fee: None

Record Book Superintendent Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174    Email: [email protected]

Record Book Contest Chair Ashley Cook-Gregory - Email: [email protected]

Committee Members
   Tyler Voorhees - Phone: 352.359.9975    Email: [email protected]

Download Market Record Book

Beef Fitting & Showmanship

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Showmanship is more than entering the show arena during the fair or livestock show. It includes all the hard work that exhibitors put into their project from the first day they purchase their animal. Many factors enter into the equation for a successful showman, including halter breaking, nutrition, the skill of the showman, and the daily care and grooming. All the hard work done throughout the year will be worthwhile on show day. Source: MSU Extension

Download Beef Cattle Showmanship Study Guide

Market Fat Steer Resale Procedure

  1. Fat Steer exhibitors have first right of refusal on their own steer for processing.  Please contact Wendy Bird by February 28 to reserve your steer. You may use your own processor; however ALL CATTLE must be processed within 45 days of sale day and a processing ticket given to Beef Superintendent within that time. This is a terminal show, therefore all cattle must be processed and cannot be shown after the conclusion of SRF.
  2. Resale value will be determined using the Oklahoma Fat Steer Market price on the Monday of Market Show Week.  All individuals will be contacted with their totals and monies will be collected by 3pm of sale day.
  3. Remove the steer from the fairgrounds by 6:00p on Sale Day.

Market Steer Fitting Contest:

Entry Fee: None
Registration is Sunday March 16, 2024
Contest Date: Monday March 18, 2024 @ 1:00p
Contest Time: 40 minutes
Open to both Fats and Feeders

  1. One Team each consisting of one Senior with Intermediate and Junior participants.
  2. Teams consist of 3 members
  3. Teams must provide:
    1. Clean, Dry Calf,
    2. Grooming Chute,
    3. Power,
    4. Any other supplies necessary to present calf.
    5. Teams will have 40 minutes to fit their animal. No help from parents, any others is allowed during contest.
    6. Teams will then choose 1 team member to present their animal to judges: the whole team should be available to answer questions.
    7. Judges will announce results immediately following.

Market Fat Steer Gain-In Weight Contest:

Designed to measures the exhibitor’s ability as a herdsman to select and feed an animal for economical gain. Steer committee will be responsible for weighing and certifying these weights to the sponsor. Any certified steer entry in the SRF, which meets contest rules, will be eligible to compete. Each steer must be identified at the time of weigh-in with an ear tag and EID provided by the association. The show classification weight will be used at the end of the feeding period weight. Awards will be given for the top 3 places.

Beef Cattle Study Guides

Beef cattle production is a strong animal industry within the United States and throughout the world. Since beef cattle can graze forages in the open range and pasturelands, they serve a unique role in providing high-quality protein for human consumption from byproducts and forage sources that humans and non-ruminant animals do not consume.

Market Steer Show Entry In March

A completed record book, record book receipt, or summary sheet must be turned in for you to show your animal.

RECORD BOOK CONTEST: Contest Record Books MUST be turned in at Fair Grounds Wednesday, 5 March 2025 @ 4:00p - 8:00p
  EXCEPTION: Dog & Horse Show participants MUST be turned in at show entry Saturday, 1 March 2025

COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025

SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST: You MUST signup for showmanship at the check-in table during March entry. Late entries WILL NOT be accepted.

SALE DAY: Wednesday 19 March 2025 @ 9:30a - Until Last Animal Sells

SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule

CHECK-IN DAY: Saturday 15 March 2025 @ 4:00p - 6:00p

MARKET FAT STEER SHOW: Tuesday 18 March 2025 @ 8:30a

MARKET FAT STEER SHOW ORDER: Fat Show, Fat Homegrown, Fat Showmanship

MARKET FEEDER STEER SHOW: Tuesday 18 March 2025 @ After Fat Steer Show

MARKET FEEDER STEER SHOW ORDER: Feeder Show, Feeder Homegrown, Feeder Showmanship

Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton