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Creative Life Skills

Creative Life Skill Shows

Contest Sponsor: 

Forever 54 Florist

4-H Cloverbud members CAN participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Creative Life Skills Division Superintendent Ashlee Johnson - Phone: 352.215.6528    Email:

How To Enter Creative Life Skills Division

How To Enter Creative Life Skills Division Entry Fee: $5.00 per exhibitor, Payable when entering your project in March

Turn-in Forms on Project Entry Day March: Download Creative Life Skills Division Entry Form

Download Contest Rules & Regulations

SRF YouTube Channel: Subscribe For Our Homelife Playlist

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Creative Life Skills Division - Shows and Rules

A skill is a learned ability to do something well.  Life skills are abilities individuals can learn that will help them to be successful in living a productive and satisfying life. The Creative Life Skill Division provides opportunities for youth to showcase their photography, handcraft, sewing, drawing, canning, and baking aptitudes.

Cake Decorating Show Rules

Creativity will take center stage, as this a cake decorator show will be a challenge of imagination, artistry, and skill. Cakes will be judged only on appearance and technique; forms may be used. Frosting, fondant, gum paste, candies, etc may be used. No artificial flowers, toys, etc. All decorations must be edible.

  1. Entry must be sole work of the exhibitor.
  2. Each exhibit must come with an explanation of how it was made, and techniques used. The explanation should be printed or typed on an index card. Both the card and the form must be attached to the exhibit.
  3. All cakes entered in the Cake Decorating Division will be released from 4:00p-5:00p on Saturday. Perishables not picked up at this time will be disposed of by the show superintendent. Pictures will be taken of cakes to be displayed at the fair.
  4. Cakes are required to be displayed on cake boards. Cakes should be as close to the cake board size as possible or covered. Boards may be covered with food safe covering. No cake plates, stands, etc are allowed. No glass cake boards allowed.
  5. Cakes will be judged only on appearance and technique; forms may be used. 
  6. Frosting, fondant, gum paste, candies, etc may be used. No artificial flowers, toys, etc. All decorations must be edible.
  7. Entries will be judged on originality, creativity, workmanship, degree of difficulty and overall appearance.
  8. No moving parts are allowed
  9. Cakes can be any shape or a pull-a-part cake
  10. Cake base is to be no larger than a quarter sheet and no more than 3 tiers high.
  11. All finishing must be done before entering the creative life skills building.

Clothing Show Rules

Clothing Construction and Fashion Revue is a show that develops the skills necessary to plan, and construct clothing for different occasions and enhance the ability to determine which accessories are suitable and becoming. Participants can build self-confidence and poise through developing an understanding of “self” through:

– designing and creating an article of clothing which will complement them and express their personality;

– demonstrate skills in consumer decision-making as they select becoming choices for their clothing needs.

  1. To insure garments are correctly identified by the judges, print the number of your entry form onto a 1” by 3” piece of white fabric. Also print the number of pieces of clothing being entered (for example: 1 of 2, or 3 of 3). Pin fabric inside the garment and hang your garment on a hanger.
  2. The entry form number must also be written on the pattern envelope and guide sheet. Put the envelope and guide sheet into a plastic bag and hang it on the same hanger as the garment. Exhibitors who draft their own pattern should write that information and their entry form number on an index card as well as a brief description of how they assembled their garment and put the card in the plastic bag in place of the guide sheet and pattern envelope.
  3. A personal data form is due at the time the clothing exhibit is entered into the fair.
  4. Repurposed Clothing: participants designs and sews a wearable garment from previously used materials. The completed garment is different from its original use.
  5. Belts may be professionally made and finished garments professionally pressed, but must be so labeled.
  6. Accessories constructed to complement clothing entry (shoes, hat, purse, jewelry, etc.) will be entered into appropriate division for judging and will not be judged as an ensemble.

Food Show Rules

Cakes, cookies, muffins, candies, pies, rolls, biscuits – OH MY!

Food Show provides participants with an opportunity to present and display food products they have prepared and cooked.

  1. Food containing UN-BAKED ingredients such as custard, cream cheese, or raw eggs will be accepted. HOWEVER, this division does not have accessibility to refrigeration before, during or after the judging session. Entries deemed as unsafe will not be tasted by the judges.
  2. All cakes and breads entered into the Food Division will be released from 4:00p-5:00p on Saturday. Perishables not picked up at this time will be disposed of by show superintendent. Pictures will be taken of food items to be displayed at the fair.
  3. For each entry, write the exhibitor’s entry form number on a small piece of white paper and attach to the underside of the exhibit.
  4. With the exception of pies foods must be set on cardboard covered aluminum foil. No cake plates or glass pie dishes will be accepted.
  5. a)For smaller items such as cookies, muffins, candies, rolls or biscuits, place 6 of them on a 6”x6” foil-covered cardboard and cover as necessary.
  6. b)Larger items such as cakes and bread should be entered on a foil covered cardboard and cover as necessary. No cake should exceed a quarter of a sheet cake.
  7. Recipes are mandatory and must be stapled to the entry form with the exhibitor’s entry form number clearly written across the top. Do not write exhibitors name on recipe cards. The use of box mixes and bread machines are prohibited.
  8. All recipes will be kept to be used in a future fair cookbook.

Preserved Food Show Rules

Have you ever visited the canning exhibits at the fair and wondered, “How did they do that?”  Believe it or not, it’s really quite easy. It just requires a little time to produce blue ribbon canning entries. Source Carla Due, County Extension Agent - FCS U of A

  1. Entries may be either sweet or savory.
  2. All entries must have been preserved within the last year (12 months). Preservation means foods are stable at room temperature, not needing additional refrigeration or cooling for safety. NOTE: Refrigerator products are not preserved, and not eligible.
  3. All jars must be clear glass (standard) canning jars of half-pint (8 oz.), pint (16 oz.), or quart (32 oz.) size. Jars must be clean. Rings and lids should be free from rust. No other jars will be accepted! All products must be sealed by water bath or pressure canner.
  4. Exhibitor must submit two (2) jars for each entered item: one for exhibiting and one that can be opened for testing.
  5. Dehydrated Food: Use a glass jar with a rubber gasket in the lid to provide a better seal or vacuumed sealed bags.
  6. Unsealed exhibits or products showing signs of spoilage will not be judged.
  7. Jars or vacuum sealed bags must be labeled with the name of product and date canned. Entries without required labeling will not be judged.
  8. Fancy padded lids, fabric overlaps or over cozies interfere with the judging process and should not be used.
  9. Recipes are mandatory and must be stapled to the entry form. Do not write name on recipe cards.
  10. All recipes will be kept to be used in a future fair cookbook.

Handicraft Show Rules

Early settlers in Florida often had to learn to make many of the things that we can buy at the store today, and some became very good at producing high-quality handicrafts and home products. They liked to share their skills and knowledge with their neighbors and often chose to do so by entering their products in the judging contest at the local county fair.

The knowledge, skill, and talent of these future citizens are sure to make you proud. Young people are so creative and we are proud to be able to offer them a platform so they can show off the fruits of their labor.

  1. This Show Is Not Responsible For Breakage!
  2. Glass entries or entries with glass components will not be accepted.
  3. In general, handicrafts are items that are inedible and have not been hand or machine stitched. Kits are not permitted with the exception of paint-by-number kits for Cloverbuds and Primaries.
  4. Each exhibit must come with an explanation of how it was made. The explanation should be printed or typed on an index card. Both the card and the form must be attached to the exhibit.
  5. Items must be ready for their intended use. This means that pictures and other works of art intended for hanging must be ready to hang or will be disqualified.
  6. Pot hangers should have unbreakable pots rather than clay or pottery pots.
  7. All hemming and finishing must be the work of the exhibitor.

Photography Show Rules

Photography Show is an opportunity for young photographers to exhibit their work in a variety of different categories to include both color and black/white. Interesting angles, lighting, and composition provide an avenue for exhibitors to express their artistic interests.

  1. No Frames, Glass Or Plexiglas Will Be Allowed!
  2. A photo entry may be either black/white or color, processed from a negative or a digital camera and must be taken by the exhibitor.
  3. The exhibit must have a short explanation of why the picture was taken and chosen for entry. The explanation should be printed or typed on an index card. Both the card and the entry form must be attached to the exhibit.
  4. Exhibitors may submit 1 entry as either: A series of photos: picture sequence or story showing a logical progression of images, or an individual photo.
  5. Pictures should depict activities typical of those in which a 4-H or FFA member and their friends would likely participate.
  6. The photo must be mounted on foam board. Maximum size for a single photo is 8”x10”.

Textile Show Rules

Whether following a family tradition or starting a new one, participants in creative life skills: textile show design and create articles that express their personality.  Textiles are made with fabric or yarn that has been hand-stitched,  machine-stitched, or both, and our show is dominated by quits and pillows.

  1. Textiles are made with fabric or yarn that has been hand or machine stitched or both.
  2. Kits may be used, but that information must be plainly noted.
  3. Each exhibit must come with an explanation of how it was made and whether a kit was used. The explanation should be printed or typed on an index card. Both the card and the entry form must be attached to the exhibit and have the exhibitor’s name on them.
  4. Entries must be complete and ready to use. For example: a counted cross-stitch sampler should be framed and ready to hang. However, NO GLASS!! Label any items that have been professionally framed.
  5. Liquid embroidery is acceptable if at least 25% of the item is stitched, crocheted or otherwise needle worked.

Creative Life Skills Division Entry In March

COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025

SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule

CHECK-IN DAY: Friday 7 March 2025 @ 5:00p - 7:00p or Saturday 8 March 2025 @ 8:30a - 10:30a

FOOD ITEMS ENTRY DAY: Saturday 8 March 2025 @ 8:30a - 10:30a

Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton