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Livestock Judging Contest

Livestock Judging

Contest Sponsor: 

Chiefland Medical Center

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Livestock Judging Contest Superintendent Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174    Email:

Livestock Judging Contest Entry Fee: None

SRF YouTube Channel: Subscribe For Our Livestock Judging Contest Playlist

Download Livestock Judging Registration Form

Livestock Judging Contest Rules

Livestock Judging is the evaluation of an animal’s characteristics and making a comparison to other animals and the ideal standard of that particular class. After evaluating each animal individually, a ranking is assigned to that class.

Livestock judging consists of carefully analyzing animals and measuring them against a standard that is commonly accepted as being ideal. Livestock judging also has been defined as a study of the relationship between an animal's form and function.

  1. Entry fee: None
  2. Dress Code: Participants are to be clean and wear club/chapter or SRF shirts, jeans, and closed-toe shoes.  No Cell Phones.
  3. Individual and Team contest. Primary, Junior, Senior and Mixed-age divisions. A mixed team will be entered at the level of the oldest participant. Club/Chapter may enter multiple judging teams & individuals per age division.
  4. Teams will consist of 3 or 4 members. The team score will be the total of the 3 highest individual scores of members of the team.
  5. Contestants or Teams must be registered 30 minutes prior to the start of the contest. No one is allowed in the judging area except judging teams (No Adults).
  6. Classes for the judging contest will be selected by the contest committee from available market animals. 10 minutes will be allowed to judge a class.
  7.  There will be a questions class for all ages and the senior age division may have a reasons class.
  8. Only SRF participants will be allowed to judge on the rail. Auditing teams will judge from the stands. Outside counties/schools will be permitted to “school” or “audit” the livestock judging contest for their educational benefit; however, will be ineligible for SRF awards.
  9. Awards will be given to the first three (3) places in Primary, Junior, and Senior Divisions and high individuals (1st-3rd) for each age group. 

Our Social Media Outlets

Livestock Judging Contest Entry In March

COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025

SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule

Livestock Judging Contest: Tuesday 18 March 2025 @ 4:00p

Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton