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Tablescaping Contest

Tablescaping Contest

Contest Sponsor: 

Forever 54 Florist

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Tablescaping Contest Superintendent Darbi Charies - Phone: 352.356.3024    Email:

How To Enter Tablescaping Contest:

Cupcake Decorating Contest Entry Fee: $10.00, Pre-registration is required.

Online Entry Link For Tablescaping Contest:

Mail-in Entry Forms: Tablescaping Contest Entry Form

Download Contest Rules & Regulations

Tablescaping Contest Rules

This Contest is for youth age 8 by 1 September 2024. The Tablescaping (table-setting) Contest is a fun way to learn how to properly set a table; plan nutritious meals; express originality and creativity in choosing a theme; express knowledge of food, nutrition and food safety and present to a judge.
  1. This is a team contest. Primary, Junior, Senior and Mixed age divisions. A mixed team will be entered at the level of the oldest participant. Club/Chapter may enter multiple judging teams per age division.
  2. Teams will consist of 2 members.
  3. Dress Code: Official Dress is Not Required. Participants Will Not have any means of identification as to their name, club, chapter or community. You are Required to wear black pants or skirt, short or long sleeve shirt that fits close to the arms, close-toed shoes with backs or boots, hair should be pulled-back, tied-back, or cap worn. Aprons should also be worn.
  4. No one is allowed in the setup area except team members participating. (No Adults).
  5. Setup begins and ends at the posted times. At check in your team will receive a team number and last-minute instructions.
  6. Sharing is not permitted. Each team must have their own supplies.
  7. Each team will provide a table, and any other decorations. Table must be a square card table, no small than 34"x 34" and no larger than 48" x 48".
  8. Only SHATTER PROOF decorations may be used. No glass, china, crystal and other like items.
  9. Each tablescape must include: a menu and 2 place settings set for that menu.
  10. Live flowers may be used - food is not permitted to be a part of the tablescape display (Fresh, uncut fruits or vegetables may be used in the centerpiece only if they add to the overall design.)
  11. Table coverings are required for all tables.
  12. Include a menu suitable for your table setting theme. Menu should be no larger than 8 ½ x 11 inches. No alcoholic beverages on the menu.
  13. Fair reserves the right to reject any table setting that is objectionable or unsuitable.
  14. The fair is not responsible for any damage or breakage.
  15. AWARDS - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be given in each age division. Best of Show plaque & cash awards may be awarded


  • Clean, neat, safe and dressed in appropriate attire.
  • Black pants or skirt
  • Short sleeve shirt or long sleeve that fits close to the arm
  • Closed-toed shoes with backs or boots
  • Hair should be pulled-back or tied-back and/or under a cap or hat
  • Apron should be worn
  • Nothing that identifies you or your club/chapter

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Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton