Contest Sponsor:
Chiefland Medical Center
Livestock Judging Contest Superintendent Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174 Email:
Livestock Judging Contest Entry Fee: None
SRF YouTube Channel: Subscribe For Our Livestock Judging Contest Playlist
Livestock Judging Contest Rules
Livestock Judging is the evaluation of an animal’s characteristics and making a comparison to other animals and the ideal standard of that particular class. After evaluating each animal individually, a ranking is assigned to that class.
Livestock judging consists of carefully analyzing animals and measuring them against a standard that is commonly accepted as being ideal. Livestock judging also has been defined as a study of the relationship between an animal's form and function.
- Entry fee: None
- Dress Code: Participants are to be clean and wear club/chapter or SRF shirts, jeans, and closed-toe shoes. No Cell Phones.
- Individual and Team contest. Primary, Junior, Senior and Mixed-age divisions. A mixed team will be entered at the level of the oldest participant. Club/Chapter may enter multiple judging teams & individuals per age division.
- Teams will consist of 3 or 4 members. The team score will be the total of the 3 highest individual scores of members of the team.
- Contestants or Teams must be registered 30 minutes prior to the start of the contest. No one is allowed in the judging area except judging teams (No Adults).
- Classes for the judging contest will be selected by the contest committee from available market animals. 10 minutes will be allowed to judge a class.
- There will be a questions class for all ages and the senior age division may have a reasons class.
- Only SRF participants will be allowed to judge on the rail. Auditing teams will judge from the stands. Outside counties/schools will be permitted to “school” or “audit” the livestock judging contest for their educational benefit; however, will be ineligible for SRF awards.
- Awards will be given to the first three (3) places in Primary, Junior, and Senior Divisions and high individuals (1st-3rd) for each age group.
Our Social Media Outlets
YouTube: Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel
FaceBook: Follow Us on FaceBook
Livestock Judging Contest Entry In March
COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025
SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule
Livestock Judging Contest: Tuesday 18 March 2025 @ 4:00p
Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton