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Ag-Life Contest

Ag-Life Contest

Contest Sponsor: 

Florida Awards & Trophy Co.

4-H members who are not 8 years old by 9/1/2024 CANNOT participate in this Contest/Project/Show Area.

Ag-Life Superintendents
Jessica Cooper - Phone: 352.463.3174    Email: [email protected]
Jessica Campos - Phone: 352.486.5131    Email: [email protected]

Ag-Life Contest Entry Fee: None

Our Social Media Outlets

Ag-Life Contest Entry In March

COLLEGE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship Application Deadline MUST be BY 4:30p on Wednesday, 5 March 2025

SHOW SCHEDULE: Download Schedule

AG-LIFE CONTEST: Saturday 8 March 2025 @ 11:00a - 1:00p

Ag-Life Contest Rules

Annual Topics

2024: Safety
2025: Identification
2026: Health
2027: Nutrition

In today’s global economy the emphasis on the market and the need of producers to be competitive, calls for better agricultural management and consumer skills. This contest encourages youth to continue expanding their understanding, knowledge, and participation in all areas of agriculture with the opportunity to blend the knowledge and skills acquired into one activity.

  1. Entry fee: None
  2. Individual contest with Primary, Junior and Senior age divisions.
  3. During the contest participants can start and stop station rotation as needed to compete in other shows and contests. You must turn in your score cards prior to leaving contest area and it is your responsibility to complete this contest.
  4. Discussing the competition will result in disqualification.
  5. Topic changes yearly. Each topic area will be divided into stations. Stations will address areas within the years topic; for instance Safety may have a food safety station, Health might have an internal parasite station and so on. Each year 3 Stations will always be included: Consumer Choice Situation, Financial Management, and General Knowledge Assessment.
  6. Suggested study materials are available on; however, a web search on current topic is still advised.
  7. Awards – Rosettes top 6 + 1 High point and 1 Reserve High Point Award/Age Division.
  8. Belt Buckle - Overall Top Score, regardless of age division.

Annual Topics Resources


External Parasites
Animal Health Management
Reading Feed Tags
Reading Drug Labels
Weed Management
Invasive and Noxious Weeds
Tobacco Usage
Food Safety & Illness
Outdoor Cooking
Consumer Judging
Transaction Register
General Knowledge


Handling Food Safely
Safe Food Handling
Foodborne Illness (top 4)
Foodborne Illness-Causing Organisms
Identity Theft
Personal Information
Farm Safety
Herbicide Usage
Hay Quality & Field Mgt.
Interpret Soil Tests
Florida Fertilizer Label
Understand Fertilizer Label
Back & Lift Safety
Proper Lifting Techniques
Slips, Trips and Falls
Consumer Judging
Financial Recordkeeping
General Knowledge


Horse Markings
Poultry Combs
Feed Ingriedents
Milk Production
Farm Equipment
Show Equipment
Internal Parasites
Consumer Judging
Determine Budget
General Knowledge

Additional Resources

Financial Management

 Savings Accounts Study Guide 
 The Mint – It Makes Perfect Cents
- Keeping a Money Diary
- Determining Your Budget
- Tracking Your Checking Account
- Balancing Your Checking Account

Animals and Hand Washing

It is important to remember that animals sometimes carry germs that are harmful to humans. When people forget to wash their hands after petting an animal, or bring food or drinks into an area where animals are exhibited, they are at risk for becoming ill.

- Animal Exhibits
- Animal Exhibits Safety
- Farm Animals
- Poultry and Salmonella
- Pet Food Tips


Feeding Ethics
Ration Formulation
Utilizing the Square Method
Correct Feed Choice
How To Choose The Right Dog
Feed Biosecurity
Choose MyPlate
Nutrition Facts
Weight & Calories
Physical Activity
Healthy Eating Tips
Hay Quality & Field Mgt.
Hay Quality
Selecting and Testing Forages
Consumer Judging
Bank Statement
General Knowledge

Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not imply a contest, event, or show will occur at the Suwannee River Youth Livestock Show and Sale. If you find a broken link please email: Holly Houghton